genial: veja e ouça grandes ícones

espero de coração que, ao ouvir grandes ícones, você não tenha pensado em um atalho gigante no teu desktop  Alegre 

o OpenCulture publicou uma lista maravilhosa de audios e videos de grandes figuras da cultura e da ciência.  um tesouro mesmo, que ao menos pra mim vai garantir semanas e semanas de deleite.

só pra dar uma idéia da riqueza da lista, selecionei um punhado de gênios, do Eintein ao Steve Jobs passando pelo Miles Davis.   esbalde-se (eu me esbaldarei)


Allen, WoodyVideo – The neurotic New York filmmaker hosts the Reverend Billy Graham in an unlikely conversation.

Asimov, IsaacVideo – Sci-fi writer shares insights on science, computing, religion, population growth and the universe.

Bass, Saul Video – Iconic designer on money, quality work & his creative legacy.

Borges, Jorge LuisVideo – Argentina’s favorite son featured in documentary called Jorge Luis Borges: The Mirror Man.

Buñuel, Luis Video – Surrealist filmmaker speaks about his collaboration with Salvador Dali on Chien andalou.

Davis, Miles Video – Davis and John Coltrane playing a nice rendition of “So What,” the leadoff tune from Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue (1959).

Einstein, Albert – Video – The great physicist gives a speech. The occasion is unknown.

Feynman, Richard Video – Produced in 1981 by the BBC and PBS, the show features Feynman talking in a very personal way about the joys of scientific discovery.

Gehry, FrankVideo/Audio – Two towering California artists, the architect Frank Gehry and the composer/conductor Esa-Pekka Salonen, discuss their work.

Jobs, Steve Video – Talking about what it was like to work with iconic designer Paul Rand.

Joyce, James Video – Rare footage of James in Paris during 1920s.

Kerouac, Jack Video – Reads from his generation-defining novel On the Road.

Warhol, Andy Video – In 1979, Warhol created public access television programs. In this episode, he chats with Bianca Jagger & Steven Spielberg.

Welles, Orson Video – Welles reads a short selection from Melville’s classic, Moby Dick.